Lesson Plan
Art as a field is rapidly incorporating technology, and it better serves our students to utilize the tools they will be asked to use in college and in their career. Below is an example of a lesson plan that utilizes several forms of technology as a core part of its function.
Unity: Building an Exhibition Collection
In this lesson, students will work together to design a virtual exhibition in its entirety. This will include designing the gallery the exhibition will take place in, analyzing and arranging a collection by selecting and writing about the art objects, writing text to include on the walls of the exhibition and an exhibition guide, and providing a curator walkthrough to the class through a planned presentation. The theme of their exhibition will correspond with one of the units we covered previously in class, and can draw from three-dimensional work, painting, drawing, formal elements, or specific time periods or movements.
Technology Used: Google Arts and Culture, Artsteps, Google Suite (Docs & Slides)
FINAL PROJECT - 8th Grade Visual Art
Learning Objectives & Standards
Learning Objectives:
Students will understand how to analyze works of art within a collection by creating a cohesive collection for an exhibition
Students will learn to classify art and curate an exhibit
Students will understand how technology can enhance their project design and ability to work collaboratively
VAPA CA Standards:
CREATING—Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
8.VA:Cr2.3: Select, organize, and design images and words to make visually clear and compelling presentations.PRESENTING—Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Common Core:
Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.
Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level
Materials & Sequence
collection, exhibition, museum, gallery, exhibition guide, wall text, curator, exhibition designer,
Computer access, internet access, Google Suite, Google Arts and Culture, Artsteps
Students will follow along with a slideshow presentation explaining how to build a collection and design an exhibition. They will receive a live demonstration/instruction on how to use Google Docs/Slides. They will receive a live demonstration on how to design an exhibition space using Artsteps. They will receive a live demonstration on how to research and use Google Arts and Culture.
Students will also watch curator walkthroughs to gain an understanding of how curators and exhibition staff discuss their work to share with visitors.
The Art Assignment: https://youtu.be/GMZVUtUhNwo?list=PLmwnQxXXCfScZIRU0_XtrTZFDd1DnsH0t
Oakland Museum of California: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hix5aMZvMQ8
How to Curate an Exhibition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDaY6KraDW0
What is an exhibition? What is a curator? Take notes on presentation/videos
Using Google Arts and Culture, select art objects for your collection
Using Artsteps, create an exhibition space to display your collection
Using Google Docs, create an exhibition guide that includes wall-text for your gallery
Using Google Slides, create a presentation/curator walkthrough to explain your exhibition and the ideas and process behind how it was created
Students will work in groups of mixed ability, to allow success for SPED, ELL, and GATE students. Discussion will be a priority, to allow time for questions, call-and-response, and ample time for students to process information.
Students may include work from a single period in an artist’s life as an additional challenge. Students may design and illustrate their exhibition guide for additional points. Students can publish their exhibition guide in additional languages/bilingual format for additional points.
Follows Instructions:
Used Google Arts and Culture to select artworks _____/1
Used Artsteps (or other approved platform) to create an exhibition model _____/1
Used Google Docs to collaboratively write an exhibition guide ____/1
Used Google Slides to create a slideshow presentation _____/1
Assignment completed in full ______/2
Assignment completed on time ______/2
Total: ______/8
Includes at least 12 art objects ______/4
Each art object includes wall text with the name, artist, date, location, and a few sentences about that art work ______/5
Exhibition has a clear theme/focus and title _____/3
Exhibition is clearly laid out and takes into consideration the visitor experience _____/3
Exhibition includes a written exhibition guide, with information about artwork and the exhibition as a whole ______/5
Total: ______/20
Presentation/Curator Walkthrough:
Students show their final exhibition via a live walkthrough/demonstration ______ /4
Each student participates in the presentation ______/4
Students explain the concept behind their exhibition ______/2
Students explain how they chose the artwork included ______/2
Students include what they learned from the assignment ______/2
Total: ______/14
Group Evaluation:
Clear evidence that the students worked together collaboratively _____/4
Students documented who completed what sections of the assignment _____/4
Total: ______/8
Final Score: _______/50
You can also find this lesson plan in the Google Doc below, and make a copy on my Google Drive here.